суббота, 8 февраля 2020 г.


Phenix is built on the comprehensive cctbx library, whereas CCP4 programs are typically standlone, although common crystallographic libraries such as clipper and cctbx are utilised. As an example here is the cctbx way of playing in the sandbox: For example select only low-resolution intensities: Python is a great language for just about everything. An easy way to get started is: When you run the setpaths. cctbx

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This file must be used to cctgx a new shell or process with the cctbx settings:. The following instructions are outdated and might not work anymore. Other major problems are the absence of a multi-dimensional array type in the STL and limited support for algebraic array operations.

Unfortunately, documentation on cctbx tends to vary in quality and quantity throughout the modules:.

Crystallographic programming: Super short tour of the cctbx

A very small adaptor toolbox with platform-independent instructions for building the Boost. This gives immediate access to the rich and familiar set of ctcbx tools for manipulating tuples. We are convinced that the cctbx can be very useful as an intelligent mediator between otherwise incompatible crystallographic applications.

Building bridges The cctbx project has evolved together with the Boost.


For most practicing crystallographers they will interact via with these to progress a single crystallographic data-set from diffraction images, through integration, merging, phasing, model building and hopefully deposition. To unpack this file in a new, empty directory enter:. Unfortunately this is not only harder to read, but also more difficult to use because the result has to be instantiated before the function is called.

All large array types are transparently and uniformly mapped to a group of Python types in the scitbx. We hope to be able to do this in the near future. This hierarchical approach enforces a clean design as a reusable library.


Tests if a given point is inside the brick. Acknowledgments We would like to thank David Abrahams for creating the amazing Boost. Python's ease of use enables us to think hybrid when developing new algorithms.


For example, consider a member function of a space group class that computes an array of multiplicities given an array of Miller indices. API Documentation for smtbx.

It's important to have python in your path variable which you can access by going to control panel system advanced environment variablesjust add C: In practice a "live object" in memory is much more valuable than information stored in a good-old file format because there are often many different questions one can ask about particular real-world objects.


Libraries for general scientific computing i. Phenix is built on the comprehensive cctbx library, whereas CCP4 programs are typically standlone, although common crystallographic libraries such as clipper and cctbx are utilised. Python library and for patiently supporting the entire open source community.

To unpack this file in a new, empty directory:. Being automatically generated, the beach file is not pretty to look at, but this is not important because we can easily resurrect the original object to extract any information that we might be interested in. When we moved from our home-grown build system to SCons we found all these points to be perfectly true.

From an inside viewpoint the increasing ability cxtbx solve new problems mostly with cftbx easy-to-use Python language rather than a necessarily more arcane statically typed language is the return on a major investment, namely our involvement in the cctbx of Boost.

The cctbx is therefore also useful for small-molecule crystallography and even general scientific applications. None Type of data: However, in practice it cctgx happens that a svn update of the boost tree leads to compilation errors on some platforms.

State of the toolbox: an overview of the Computational Crystallography Toolbox (CCTBX)

Use of the Python interfaces is highly recommended, but optional. This is a very thin wrapper around the SCons software construction tool.

This organization combines the computational efficiency of cxtbx strongly typed compiled language with the convenience and flexibility of a dynamically typed scripting language in a strikingly uniform and very maintainable way.

In a potentially different script on a potentially different computer with a potentially different operating system: This script is known to work with:.

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